Prof. S. Subramanian's 60th Birthday Lecture Award
NMRS invites nominations for the Prof. S. Subramanian's 60th Birthday Lecture Award. The award is given annually to an outstanding scientist working in any area of magnetic resonance. The award has been instituted from an endowment received to honour Prof. S. Subramanian, formerly Professor of Chemistry at IIT-Madras and presently at NIH, Washington D.C., USA from his students and colleagues. It will be given annually to an outstanding scientist working in any area of magnetic resonance. The award consists of a cash prize of Rs.10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand only), a citation and a certificate which will be presented in a special session of the NMRS symposium. The work done in India by an applicant will be recognised for the award. However, outstanding work, primarily done by the nominee in short visits abroad, could also be included for the consideration of the committee and an integrated view will be taken. The age of the nominee should not exceed 45 years as on December 31 of the current year.
Any life member of NMRS can nominate a scientist who should also be a life member of NMRS. Self-nomination is also accepted. Applications received in the last two years may be considered (subject to the age restriction), with a request from the nominator/applicant each subsequent year. Such nominees are advised to update their bio-data.
Format for the application is as follows:
1. Complete CV and list of publications.
2. A one page write-up of major contributions in the last five years.
3. Copies of five important publications in the last five years.
4. If self-nominated, a list of up to three references with at least one NMRS life member may be provided.
2024: Prof. Jeetender Chug, IISER, Pune
2023: Prof. Manasi Ghosh, BHU, Varanasi
2022: Prof. Vipin Agarwal, TIFR, Hyderabad
and Dr. Bikash Baishya, CBMR, Lucknow
2021: Prof. Mahavir Singh, IISc, Bangalore
2020: Prof. Ranbir Das, NCBS, Bangalore
2019: Dr. Mandar Deshmukh, CCMB, Hyderabad
2018: Prof. Ashutosh Kumar, IIT-Bombay
2017: Dr. Neel Sarovar Bhavesh, ICGEB, New Delhi
2016: Dr. Anirban Bhunia, Department of Biophysics, Bose Institute, Kolkata
2015: Dr. Neeraj Sinha, CBMR, Lucknow and Dr. Anant Patel, CCMB, Hyderabad
2014: No award
2013: Prof. T.S. Mahesh, IISER, Pune
2012: Prof. Kavita Dorai, IISER, Mohali
2011: Prof. H.S. Atreya, IISc, Bangalore
2010: Dr. Ashish Arora, CDRI, Lucknow
2009: No award
2008: Prof. P.K. Madhu, TIFR, Mumbai
2007: Prof. Siddahartha Sarma, IISc &
Dr. B. Jagadeesh, IICT, Hyderabad
2006: Dr. G.A. Nagana Gowda, University of Washington, USA