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C.L. Khetrapal Award

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  Prof. C.L. Khetrapal Award   

NMRS India has instituted an annual award to honour late Prof C.L. Khetrapal, a towering personality who made pioneering contributions to the field of magnetic resonance and spearheaded the phenomenal growth of magnetic resonance activities across the country. The award shall be given annually to an outstanding Indian scientist working in any area of magnetic resonance for his/her lifetime contributions. The award carries a cash prize of USD5000 (Five thousand US dollors) instituted with the munificent donation by Bruker Biospin and a citation. The award also includes a gold medal equivalent of Rs.50,000 (fifty thousand rupees) derived annually from the interests earned out of the endowment fund received from the students and colleagues of Prof. Khetrapal.

The awardee will be chosen by a committee, which takes an integrated view of nominees’ lifetime achievements, such as scientific contributions, human resource development and the capacity building of the magnetic resonance community in the country. There is no upper age limit for the nominee. However, the award will not be given posthumously.

Any life member of NMRS can nominate a scientist who should also be a life member of NMRS. Self-nominations are also accepted. In the event of difficulty in arriving at the decision by the committee due to non-receipt of sufficient number of nominations, the committee can independently search a deserving scientist and extend the invitation to accept the award. The decision of the committee shall be final.

  • 2024: Prof. S. Subramanian, IIT Madras, Chennai
  • 2023: Prof. N. Suryaprakash, IISc, Bangalore
  • 2022: Prof. R.V. Hosur, TIFR, Mumbai
  • 2021: Prof. Anil Kumar, IISc, Bangalore

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